The objective of the project is to contribute to the empowerment and support of CSOs in Greece, particularly small-scale organizations operating at the local or impact level. These organizations...
The project aims to protect and promote access to sustainable employment opportunities for socio-economically vulnerable women through skill-building and vocational training. Additionally, the project conducts research on sustainable employment...
The overarching objective of the project is to protect, raise awareness, and advocate for the rights and values of the European Union for homeless and vulnerable populations living in...
The project aims to educate Roma women in human rights, empower the implementing agency through training sessions in Athens and Drama, address anti-gayism, exchange know-how and good practices with...
The project aims to establish the groundwork for systematic monitoring and enhancement of the regional response to violence against women in Crete. This will be realized through the establishment...
The project aims to empower beneficiaries of international protection and enhance their legal status by providing support and information services regarding their rights and EU values. The goal is...
The project aims to protect and promote patients’ rights as an integral and crucial component of the rights and values of the European Union. While addressing challenges arising from...
Despite the interventions implemented in recent decades and the adoption of strategies, Roma in Greece continue to face multiple forms of discrimination. The ongoing operation of the Observatory for...
The project aims to address the violation of fundamental children’s rights resulting from potential abuse they may have experienced. The necessity of this project stems from the vulnerability of...
The project aims to defend European values and the rights outlined in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights through advocacy for legislative reform. Fundamental rights such as the right...
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.