ROM+: We are all equal

Despite the interventions implemented in recent decades and the adoption of strategies, Roma in Greece continue to face multiple forms of discrimination. The ongoing operation of the Observatory for...

Bridges of Inclusion

“Bridges of Inclusion” aims to transform the culture of local society in Crete towards an inclusive attitude, focusing on acceptance of others and, in the long term, reducing discrimination...

Delo – For the rights of sex workers

The project aims to defend European values and the rights outlined in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights through advocacy for legislative reform. Fundamental rights such as the right...

Fair Access to Social Rights – Access

The project has a dual purpose. Firstly, it involves overseeing the national legislative framework, documenting good practices in EU member states, submitting proposals to the state to address discrimination,...

Equality Map

The project aims to promote and enhance gender equality and mitigate discrimination, with a specific focus on rural areas in the prefectures of Peloponnese and the region of Central...
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