Enhancing awareness & understanding of EU rights and values
Project Duration: 12 months
Budget: 57.836,71€
Country: Greece
Location: Lamia, Rethymnon
The project “AXIES” (Values) is centered around social justice education, aiming to promote the social and moral values inherent in European Union democratic society. These values, including Dignity, Equality, Freedom, and Respect, will be instilled in a specific demographic: adult students of the Second Chance School at Domokos Prison.
The primary challenge faced by the project is introducing these students to social and moral values they may have violated, leading to their imprisonment and societal exclusion due to delinquent behavior. The project’s goal is to impart a deep understanding of these values, enabling the students to internalize and utilize them effectively. This, in turn, prepares them to develop essential social skills, ensuring their successful reintegration into Greek society and, on a broader scale, European society, upon their release.
Target Groups:
a) Students of the Second Chance School at Domokos Prison
b) Their educators, prison workers
c) The State and the relevant Ministries of Justice and Education, and Religious Affairs and Sports

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.