The Foundation is managed by a Board of Trustees, consisting of nine (9) members. Its first President, who served until his death in 1979, was Prodromos – Bodossakis Athanassiades. He was succeeded by Nikos Kogevinas, who served as President of the Board of Trustees until June 1991 and as honorary President until his death in 2006. Stamatis Matzavinos served as President from 1991 until his death in August 2007, and was succeeded by Dimitrios Vlastos, who served as President of the Bodossaki Foundation’s Board of Trustees until June 2021. The current President since June 2021 is Athina Dessypri.
According to the Foundation’s regulations, all members of the Board of Trustees must be selected from persons who have previously served as senior managers or executives of companies controlled by the Foundation control, persons currently serving as senior executives of the Foundation, recipients of a Bodossaki Scientific Award or Excellence Award or former holders of a Bodossaki Foundation scholarship.
The current composition of the Board of Trustees is as follows:
Athina Dessypri
Vice President
Doros Theodorou
Honorary President
Dimitris Vlastos