Invisible 60+

Thematic: Preventing and Combating Gender-Based Violence
Project Duration: 12 months
Budget: €38.138,15
Country: Greece
Location: Attica

The project addresses the often-overlooked issue of gender-based violence against older women, focusing on those aged 60 and above. It aims to raise awareness, gather research data, and empower these women through education and engagement. The main actions include training workshops for older women, research on gender-based violence within this demographic, and broader societal awareness campaigns. By highlighting the unique challenges faced by older women, the project seeks to promote policy interventions and improve the quality of life for this vulnerable group.

Target Groups:

The target groups include women aged 60 and above from across Greece, researchers specializing in social inequalities and aging, and policymakers. The project aims to empower older women, equipping them with knowledge and tools to address gender-based violence. It also engages researchers to study and highlight the issue while providing policymakers with actionable insights to support interventions for greater protection and equality for older women.


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them.