Strengthening children at risk in defending European rights and values

Call: Protecting and Promoting EU rights and values
Project Duration: 12 months
Budget: 21.750,64€
Country: Greece
Location: Veroia

The project aims to address the violation of fundamental children’s rights resulting from potential abuse they may have experienced. The necessity of this project stems from the vulnerability of the children served by the organization to rights violations. This vulnerability is, in part, due to their lack of information and education regarding European rights and values, as well as their ineffective social representation to the authorities. The primary goal of this project is to empower these children and defend their rights.

Target groups:

The target groups include the entirety of children receiving services from the Organization. Parents/guardians/caregivers of the beneficiaries will benefit from awareness and empowerment actions regarding European rights and values. Additionally, volunteers and support staff of the Organization will be targeted through training on European rights and values, recognizing violations, and the process of reporting such incidents.

Funded by the European Union. 
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