Coalition for the promotion of the Right to Access to Information in Greece through the improvement of the legal framework

Grantee: Vouliwatch
Call: Protecting and Promoting EU rights and values
Project Duration: 9 months
Budget: 54.667,32€
Country: Greece
Location: National level

The Right of Access to Public Information (RTI) is an internationally recognized tool for safeguarding the democratic constitution and ensuring effective oversight of the executive by both Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and the journalistic community. This right empowers the public to request access to data, information, and documents, obliging public administrations to respond within a specified period.

Through this project, our goal is to establish an alliance between civil society organizations and journalists. Together, we aim to lobby the state, raise public awareness, and enhance the existing RTI legislative framework. This will be achieved through the submission of substantial and concrete proposals, with the overarching objective of significantly strengthening the long-term supervisory role of civil society and journalism. Ultimately, our aim is to improve the functioning of democracy in our country.

Target groups:

The target groups of the project include Civil Society Organizations, journalists-researchers, and the general public.

Funded by the European Union. 
Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.