Addressing the social impacts of the climate crisis: building bridges of cooperation and demanding climate and social justice in Greece and the EU (BRIDGES)

Call: Protecting and Promoting EU rights and values
Project Duration: 12 months
Budget: 29.417,21€
Country: Greece
Location: National level

The focus of the project is on strengthening the collective and organized advocacy of CSOs for the climate crisis, addressing the needs and defending the rights of vulnerable groups. The project seeks to comprehend, debate, and facilitate horizontal collaborations between actors across the spectrum, enabling effective climate action. The ultimate goal is to support and empower civil society actors to claim with a common, strengthened voice and concrete policy proposals on climate and social justice.

Target Groups:

Target groups are formed as follows: Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), Grassroots groups operating in Greece, Initiatives and institutions of the EU member states focusing their efforts on climate justice, CSOs and other societal actors focusing on vulnerable groups (women, children, elderly, disabled, LGBTI+, refugees/immigrants).

Funded by the European Union. 
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