SUPPORT – Spinal cord injUry Peer supPORT training for women

Partner: Alli Opsi
Call: Enhancing awareness & understanding of EU rights and values
Project Duration: 12 months
Budget: 59.728,08€
Country: Greece
Location: Athens, Thessaloniki

The proposed project aims to harness the positive impacts of peer support by organizing and implementing an education and support camp specifically designed for women with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI). Reintegrating into the community and resuming roles held before the injury poses a significant challenge for individuals with SCI, making peer support crucial, particularly for women. Throughout the project implementation, activities focused on empowerment and support will be organized, featuring the active involvement of disabled trainers and support staff.

Target Groups:

Women with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI), People with Disabilities, Healthcare Professionals, Students, and the General Public.

Funded by the European Union. 
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